Over the last few weeks Nodens Manor have been holding a weekly Coffee Morning open to the public and has been very successful!
We started our Open House Coffee Mornings just a few weeks ago here at Nodens Manor and they have been very popular with the local community. Our Coffee Mornings are a great time to come and take a look at our home and what it has to offer as well as getting to enjoy some delicious cake made by our fantastic Catering Team.
Coffee Mornings are a terrific way for anyone interested in our home to come in and look around, but they also allow our residents to mix with others and make new friends. They are fantastic times to socialise with others, get to know staff, get to know residents.
Our Team organises the Coffee Morning and serves tea and coffee with slices of cake that have been freshly made by the Catering Team that same morning. It is a free event and payment isn’t expected for the event but many people often like to make donations to our charity of the year, Great Oaks Hospice.
If you are interested in our home why not come along to our next Open House Coffee Morning? For more information check out our Facebook page where you can see our upcoming events – Nodens Manor Care Home.